PHP writing encrypted javascript


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I have a question about a javascript obfuscator made in php..

Can someone help me understand how this guy did the encryption? every time the obfuscated code is generated it generates different from the previous one even though the code is the same

my site is suffering from crawlers, are accessing my site and stealing information by html.. with the Packer (packed) method it is easy to recognize a pattern and capture what you want: but with the method of this site leaves everything hidden:, thus making life difficult for these crawlers understood ? because if you repair it always generates a different code even with the same input of js .. I was studying and I realized that it’s a method in XOR or something..

1 answer


Usually these systems have an encryption key that is used uniquely, precisely to have no way to undo and the goal is to actually make it different every cycle.

I took a look and it changes the keys every generation, it shouldn’t be hard to play this in php if you want to generate your own routine.

  • Yeah, I just want to understand what method he uses to encrypt, I tried to study the code but I can’t quite understand it and reverse engineer it ..

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