Onclick seeking input value


Viewed 63 times


I have an html code that is inserted into a PHP variable

And inside I look for zip code, if I use

    <input alt='cep' class='text difCep' name='cep' id='cep' value='$cep'  type='text' onblur='xajax_procurarEndereco(this.value);$(\"#loading\").css(\"visibility\",\"visible\");' />

It works well, but the user wants a search button, so I adapted the code and there’s the problem, I can’t get the value of zip. I tested with Document.getElementById("field") and $('#cep'). val();

<label id='label_cep' for='cep'>CEP</label>
    <input alt='cep' class='text difCep' name='cep' id='cep' value='$cep'  type='text' />
    <button type='button' onclick='xajax_procurarEndereco(buscar input do cep);$("#loading").css("visibility","visible");' style="padding: 6px; height: 24px; margin-left: 10px;">Buscar</button>

1 answer


Both getElementById and the jQuery query work in this case, I can not think of another problem other than you have typed wrong, or else used simple quotes thus closing the quotes you opened in HTML. Take the example: https://jsfiddle.net/ar64m2gL/

  • It is best that you put the sample code directly in your answer, because if the link breaks in the future, your answer will no longer be as useful.

  • I play all this within a php variable, will it be that this may be causing not searching for the value?

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