Doubt about events in a Javascript function


Viewed 53 times


I’ll try to summarize

I was having a problem with an onclick on a button, and can solve using e.preventDefault();

However the doubt arose, to work I had to add "and" my function and was function myFunction(e) And in my html code I had to put onclick that way


I tried to search on Event and maybe I did not look the right way but I did not find, I believed that the values in function were optional, but in this case I had a surprise, because it only works exactly that way, using (Event) in onclick and (and) in function.

Can someone give me a light on that part? I was confused

  • Could you post the code? So it’s easier to understand your question. Advancing the default behavior of a form is Submit, e.preventDefault(); indicates that you want to prevent default behavior.

  • Marconi actually my doubt is: why in onclick I should put (Event) and in the function I should put (e) to work. For me it was confused because in one I must write "Event" and in the other only "and". But if it got confused I’ll post the code here, it’s that I don’t have much way to post on the forum but I do it haha

  • Henrique take a tour, you’ll understand how it works around here!

1 answer


Your Javascript application is reactive to HTML events. That is, when the user clicks a button, you can add a Handler to define some behavior when this button is clicked, for example, make an HTTP request.

To add a Handler event is simple, use the addEventListener:

document.querySelector('#meu-botao').addEventListener('click', function() {
  console.log('O botão foi clicado');
<button id="meu-botao">Clique-me</button>

Events may have previous behaviors to the ones you define. For example:

  • When you click on one <a href="...">, the browser redirects you to a page
  • When you click on the button Submit of a single element <form>, an HTTP request will be made
  • When you press the arrow key, the browser will make a scroll

All these behaviors are called standard behaviors and are defined by the browser.

But what if you want to create a game to run in the browser and need to use the arrows to have another behavior? Therein comes the Event.preventDefault().

Cancel the event if cancellable, without stopping the spread of the event.

In the quote, it is if cancellable because some browsers do not allow you to override a default behavior. For example: no browser will let you overwrite ALT+F4.

See an example of a checkbox with its superscript behavior:

let prevent = document.querySelector("#prevent");
let noPrevent = document.querySelector("#no-prevent");

prevent.addEventListener("click", event => {

noPrevent.addEventListener("click", event => {
<input type="checkbox" id="prevent">com preventDefault
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="no-prevent">sem preventDefault

The e that you mentioned, is the event in the functions I mentioned. Every propagated event has an instance of Event trailer. It is possible to have important information about the event, and functions such as the preventDefault.

  • Thank you, it was very clear to me !

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