array in a php foreach


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I’ll try to be objective in doubt:

I have the following code:


foreach ($modelo as $k => $v) {
    $sql_ = "SELECT * FROM pedido WHERE modelo LIKE '%".$v."%' ORDER BY id ASC";
    $disp_sql_ = $mysqli->query($sql_);

    while ($data_ = $disp_sql_->fetch_array()) { 
        $quantidade_    += ($data_['total'] * $data_['kit']);

The total of the variable $quantidade, has the sum output of all models.

In the database it’s like this:

valor 1 = 20 ($modelo 1)
valor 2 = 30 ($modelo 1)
valor 3 = 50 ($modelo 1)
valor 4 = 50 ($modelo 2)
valor 5 = 50 ($modelo 2)

The variable $quantidade brings me this:

$quantidade = 200;

What I would like you to bring me the result as follows:

$quantidade = array([0] => 100, [2] => 100)

a sum to each model change (each foreach change), results in an array.

  • starts the $quantity before the while $quantidade_ = array(); while (){ $quantidade_ = array( //seucaldulo ) }

3 answers


You can simply separate the values in the array within your for as follows:


$quantidade = [];

foreach ($modelo as $k => $v) {
    $sql_ = "SELECT * FROM pedido WHERE modelo LIKE '%".$v."%' ORDER BY id ASC";
    $disp_sql_ = $mysqli->query($sql_);

    while ($data_ = $disp_sql_->fetch_array()) { 
        // Se a chave não existir cria uma nova com o valor 0
        $quantidade[$data_['id_modelo']] = $quantidade[$data_['id_modelo']] ?? 0;

        // Soma normalmente
        $quantidade[$data_['id_modelo']] += $data_['total'] * $data_['kit'];

However, a better way would be to do these calculations in the database, using the function SUM() along with GROUP BY. Example:


$quantidade = [];

foreach ($modelo as $k => $v) {
    $sql_ = <<<SQL
            SUM(total * kit) as soma
        FROM pedido 
        WHERE modelo LIKE '%$v%'
        GROUP BY id_modelo,
        ORDER BY id ASC;
    $disp_sql_ = $mysqli->query($sql_);

    while ($data_ = $disp_sql_->fetch_array()) { 
        // Já retorna o somatório do banco de dados
        $quantidade[$data_['id_modelo']] = $data_['soma']];
  • thanks Fernando, I managed to make the account already in the bank consultation, thanks even!

  • I’m glad it worked out!


You can initialize the amount out of the loop

$quantidade_ = array();
foreach ($modelo as $k => $v) {
    $sql_ = "SELECT * FROM pedido WHERE modelo LIKE '%".$v."%' GROUP BY id ASC";
    $disp_sql_ = $mysqli->query($sql_);

    while ($data_ = $disp_sql_->fetch_array()) { 
        $quantidade_[] =  array(
               ($data_['total'] * $data_['kit']);

Or initialize like this:

 $quantidade_ = []

and thus feed:

 $quantidade[] =  ($data_['total'] * $data_['kit']);


A simple way to solve this:


foreach ( $modelo as $k => $v ) {
    $sql_      = "SELECT * FROM pedido WHERE modelo LIKE '%".$v."%' ORDER BY id ASC";
    $disp_sql_ = $mysqli->query( $sql_ );

    $ultimo_valor = 0;
    while ( $data_ = $disp_sql_->fetch_array() ) { 
        $quantidade_[$k] = $ultimo_valor + ( $data_['total'] * $data_['kit'] );
        $ultimo_valor   += ( $data_['total'] * $data_['kit'] );

Print out what it looks like:

    [0] => 20
    [1] => 50
    [2] => 100
    [3] => 150
    [4] => 200
  • Kayo the AP needs to sum up grouped by model, its solution makes an accumulated sum. I don’t think that’s what he wants.

  • He’s a friend, I put the answer but with some doubts if that’s what he needed.

  • 1

    So we’re waiting for him to comment here. D At worst it’s not, but it might be helpful.

  • 1

    Kayo e Fernando, yes, I had tried this way and he brings the accumulated sum, did not solve me, I thought in a thousand forms but without success, I decided to post here to see if someone can save me, thanks for the help

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