Conditional Operations Error in R


Viewed 156 times


I am programming a simple recursive algorithm to compute the Fibonacci sequence in R, as I do in C. Follow the same below:

fibonacci <- function (n)
  if (n == 1L)
    return (0L)
  else if (n == 2L || n == 3L)
    return (1L)
    return (fibonacci(n - 1L) + fibonacci(n - 2L))

n <- readline(prompt="Insira um valor inteiro: ")
n <- as.integer(n)


The script apparently runs smoothly in the Rstudio environment. But when running on the linux console, I get the following error:

Enter an integer value: Error in if (n == 1L) Return(0L) Else if (n == 2L || n == 3L) Return(1L) Else Return(Fibonacci(n - : missing value where TRUE/FALSE required Calls: print -> Fibonacci Execution interrupted

Could someone help me?

  • I can’t reproduce the error, apparently everything is fine. For safety reasons it might not be a bad idea to have the first instruction of the function stopifnot(n > 0L).

1 answer


The function readline does not work well in non-interactive use. From the function documentation itself we read:

In non-interactive use the result is as if the Response was RETURN and the value is "".

That is, in non-interactive use, it is as if you have passed the value "" which is an empty string. Next you do as.integer("") which results in NA - so the comparison gives problem.

In non-interactive use (calling from the console) you can use the function readLines, as follows:

n <- readLines("stdin",n=1)

The complete script would look like this:

fibonacci <- function (n)
  if (n == 1L)
    return (0L)
  else if (n == 2L || n == 3L)
    return (1L)
    return (fibonacci(n - 1L) + fibonacci(n - 2L))

cat("Insira um valor inteiro: \n")
n <- readLines("stdin",n=1)
n <- as.integer(n)

  • I did not understand very well the prototype of this "readLines" to fit in this case. Where do I enter the display text to the user in order to enter the input? It is necessary to do the conversion with "as.integer(n)" after such?

  • It seems to me that the error persists.

  • Hi, I edited the answer with the entire script. For me there is no more error... What error appears to you?

  • 2

    You used the cat command to display text, true. I’ve never read keyboard input before with R, now I know how to do it. Thank you so much Daniel, you’ve solved my problem.

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