Problem with LEFT JOIN in PHP


Viewed 69 times


Hello, my friends.

I have 3 tables in my mysqli bank to record access to a particular location:

  1. visitor, whose data will always be filled in.

  2. corporate, whose data will be filled in only if the visitor represents a company.

  3. vehicle, whose details will be filled out if the visitor comes by car.

When making a search to return all results, I use the following query:

FROM `visitante` 
LEFT JOIN `corporativo` ON `corporativo`.`id_visitante` = `visitante`.`id_visitante` 
LEFT JOIN `veiculo` ON `veiculo`.`id_visitante` = `visitante`.`id_visitante` 
WHERE `visitante`.`entrada` LIKE '%$data%' OR `visitante`.`status` LIKE '%Aberto%' 
GROUP BY `visitante`.`id_visitante` 
ORDER BY `visitante`.`entrada`;

What happens is that in the logs where I have no corporate visitor data or vehicle data, it returns my visitor id as NULL.

I think it’s some PHP problem because when doing this query in phpmyadmin, it returns all the data normally.

Does anyone have any suggestions???

Thank you.

  • From the format of your query it appears that you are not using [Prepared Statements] ( Maybe it’s some value in $data that is causing the problem?

  • @I really don’t know about these preparations. However I had a problem with this query in the system I did at hand and now I’m learning a little bit of Codeigniter and I’m rebuilding it in CI. I believe that the functions of the IC already incorporate these procedures. However, I removed all conditions and only left the left Join for the other tables and even then when I do not have the records of these tables, my id returns null. When other tables are filled in, id comes normal.

  • If I do the same query by giving a select visitor.id_visitor, all results come normal. Only when I give a select * do I have the problem.

  • There are 3 different id_visitors, the ones from the non-responsive table come null even. are you sure you’re looking at the right one? It would be good to remove that * from the query and use the fields correctly in the SELECT table.field or SELECT alias format., ....

  • There are many fields. But really the problem was the name. I simply changed the name in the database to visitnte_id and it returned me correctly. I do not know why the query does not return me what I want, even saying I was visitor.id_visitor. Thanks.

1 answer


Try creating aliases for the id column in the visiting table, or change the name. If in the tables involved there are several columns with the same name (id_visitor) it may be 'choosing' the last ones (corporate.id_visitane, vehicle.id_visitor) that in fact are empty and end up overwriting the value of the first one (visitor.id_visitor).

Remember that you do not need to bring three times the value of the id_visitor

The ideal would be something like this: (Just one example)

SELECT as id_visitante
    , visitante.nome
    , corpoartivo.empresa
    , veiculo.placa
    LEFT JOIN corporativo ON corporativo.id_visitante =
    LEFT JOIN veiculo ON veiculo.id_visitante =
  • It really was the name that was giving conflict. I do not know why the query does not return the correct id, even saying that I want from the visitor table. I changed the name of id as foreign key in the other tables and returned me correctly now. Mto thanks.

  • Arrange. I ask you to mark the question as accepted, to make it easier for other users who are experiencing similar problems.

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