This is my dataframe:
df<-as.data.frame(matrix(rexp(200, rate=.1), ncol=10))
This is the entry I will use as an example:
My idea is to create columns and fill the values -2, -1, 0, 1 or 2 in these columns created according to a rule.
That would be: I will create a column NEXT to the column "One" and I will call it "One_new":
When filling this column with values I will follow the following rule:
If the value in column "One" is less than 1 (index[1]) and greater than -1(-index[1]) then 0.
If the value in column "One" is greater than 1 (index[1]) and less than 2*(index[1]) then 1.
If the value in column "One" is greater than 2*(index[1]) it is set to 2.
If the value in column "One" is less than -1*(index[1]) and greater than -2*(index[1]) it is given the value -1.
If the value in column "One" is less than -2*(index[1]) it is given the value -2.
I’m gonna go through that rule for all the columns. What changes is the reference value that for the second column sera index[2], for the third index[3],...,up to the column 10 index[10]
I need those created columns to be next to the columns. That is, the One_new column should be next to the One column, the Two_new column next to the Two column and so on.
I can do that with the dplyr package?
Some help?
Good Daniel worked perfectly. To use the select command I must make the "match" of the column names right? Each "match" I put the two columns together and by ne goes?
– Laura
I made an example of how it can be done. I don’t know if it would be the best way..
– Daniel Falbel
I always ask. Thank you again.
– Laura