Delete . bashrc, . bash_profile and . profile files: what are the consequences?


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I’ve been trying to install the Ruby and the Ruby on Rails through the RVM but during the installation process I had some problems. I tried to uninstall the RVM through the commands :

rvm implode 

gem uninstall rvm

After performing these commands, I thought it was to delete the files .bashrc ; .bash_profile ; .profile so I did it.

When I tried to reinstall RVM these files did not return. How should I proceed, since I have to configure the:

.bashrc :

PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting

.bash_profile :

[[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] && source "$HOME/.profile"

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

PS.: I’m starting on Ubuntu, so I followed these tips initially:

  • Comment only (:P): these files only influence the shell patron, the bash. You can try using others one day.

3 answers


These files are part of the system and serve to set a configuration to the terminal when you open it. RVM changes them to include in the PATH and can be executed directly even if it is in your home.

There is a copy of their originals in the directory /etc/skel of the system, get them there!

  • Hello William, in this directory you indicated me only manage to find the files: . bashrc and the .profile. Where I find the . bash_profile ?


These files configure the environment with user preferences. A priori, deleting these files does not affect the operating system, but can cause common executable commands not to be recognized.


If you are using graphical environment and therefore only virtual terminals with Interactive shell, the .bash_profile should not be missed. Just like the .bashrc and the .profile which serve to customize your environment (type env to see all set variables), set aliases and run a program you like when you open a new terminal (for example, mott or cowsay ), the .bash_profile will only run when you use a login shell (ssh or by logging into the Ttys - ALT+F1 , ALT+F2, etc...)

If you’re really going to use one login shell, copy the .bashrc to the .bash_profile.

$ cd ~
$ cp .bashrc .bash_profile

Or create a link:

$ cd ~
$ ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile

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