How to create a URL redirector?


Viewed 594 times


  • 1

    You could rephrase the question in order to dispense with the external link to be understood?

4 answers


I would also indicate doing this redirection in PHP, as the example below:

$url = $_GET['url'];
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false) {
    header('Location: '.$url);
} else {
    die('Não é uma url');

It is the most indicated because there you can record access metrics, such as date and time of access or even IP.

  • 1

    Always use exit; after a redirect, unless you want the code after the header() run. + 1 for your reply!


You can do it like this:

1) If you want to obfuscate your link, use the function base64_encode


2) if you need to pass the parameter to the script, for example

Pera catch the link inside the script. can use something like:

$link = base64_decode($_GET['l']);

3) To redirect, do not use the function header() if you are going to display some output before, it will generate an error, you need Javascript

window.location = '<?php echo $link; ?>';


A simple way to implement what you search with Javascript could be:

    function redirect() {
      var match = /\?url=(.+)/.exec(window.location);
      if (match)
        window.location = match[1];
  <body onload="redirect();"></body>

Open this page as

You can take advantage of the same idea to make the waiting code or similar things.


The page code itself can help you solve the problem. There appear the JS for you to use as a basis for your application.

here is the download URL:

function download() {
url = QueryString("url")
// Remove o "http://" caso exista (apenas para não colocar duas vezes)
url = url.replace("http://", "")
// Adciona o "http://"
url = "http://" + url
top.document.location = url

analyze the counter code

<script language="JavaScript">
var xtx=20;
function IniciaRegressivo() {
if (xtx > 0) {
document.getElementById('botao').innerHTML = '<div class="protetor-botao"><a>Aguarde '+ 
x +' segundos</a></div>';
xtx = xtx - 1;
setTimeout("IniciaRegressivo();", 1000);
} else {
document.getElementById('botao').innerHTML = '<div class="protetor-botao"><a 
ef="javascript:download();">Fazer Download</a></div>';
}    }

and in vc performs these functions. The code is well explanatory.

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