A few days ago I did an exercise to format coins and used the following code for this:
String us, china, france;
us = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US).format(payment);
china = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.CHINA).format(payment);
france = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.FRANCE).format(payment);
In the command prompt should come out something like this:
US: $12,324.13
China: ¥12,324.13
France: 12 324,13 €
But something like that came out:
US: $12,324.13
China: ?12,324.13
France: 12▒324,13 ▒
I know the code is correct, because it worked, but it is not displayed in the right way. How do I so that whenever I need to run special characters by CMD they are displayed correctly?
I believe this problem is not of java, but of the encoding accepted by the prompt
– user28595
I understand, but there is something that can be done to fix it, @Articuno?
– Van Ribeiro