Onclick, With two "Actions" on the same button. PHP


Viewed 1,083 times


I would like to make a button that when clicking perform action 1 of the onclick and when clicking again perform action 2 and after clicking again perform the 1, and so on.

  • For what purpose? Depending on what you have in mind, there are more practical and simple ways to do.

3 answers


There are N ways to accomplish this functionality. I’ll illustrate using a data-attribute to the HTML element to define/synchronize which action should be executed.

As in the example below.

function test(element)
    if (element.getAttribute('data-action') == 1)
        alert("Executando a ação 1...");
        element.setAttribute('data-action' , 2);
        alert("Executando a ação 2...");
        element.setAttribute('data-action' , 1);
<a href="#" data-action="1" onclick="test(this);" >ação</a>  

The attribute data-action define which action should be executed. Already the function teste, after performing the action, changes the data-action for the next action that will be executed.


As described in the comments, what the author wants is a "toggle" effect. To switch between visible and non-visible.

function toggle(id)
    display: none;
<a href="#" onclick="toggle('element-id');" >alternar</a>

<div id="element-id" >elemento</div>

Basically the function will validate itself in the list of class of the element exists the class hide. If it exists, it will remove it. Otherwise, it will add it.

A class hide, in turn, defines the display of the element as none. It is better to use a class, instead of directly changing the display, because, some elements may have a specific display, which will be lost if you do not save it when adding it again to the element.

  • Here’s what I wanted to do. With first action - onClick="Document.getElementById('Invi').style.display = '';" As second action - onClick="Document.getElementById('Invi').style.display = 'None';"

  • @Guilhermefreitas this is not what your question is asking/describing. However, it is much easier. I will update the answer,

  • OK thank you very much, sorry for the doubt I’m still beginner

  • @Updated


You can add a variable to serve as a flag, which receives true/false, or clicked, null, anyway.

As he clicks the button, you do the necessary checks, and change the flag.

But as our friend commented, depending on what you want to do, there are more practical methods.


Guilherme, follows a suggestion for this, using Javascript:


<input id="botao" type="button" onclick="Funcao1();>


function Funcao1(){
   // Faz o que você precisa

   // Altera a função do click para a função 2
   document.getElementById("botao").setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript: Funcao2();" );

function Funcao2(){
   // Faz o que você precisa

   // Altera a função do click para a função 1
   document.getElementById("botao").setAttribute( "onClick", "javascript: Funcao1();" );

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