Return label chosen when clicking on some column of the chart - Chart.Js


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I have a Dashboard made in PHP and use the library Chart js..

In Dashboard, I have some graphics that are fed in PHP, as in this example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And I have a question, when I click on some column of the graph, I want to take its name and show in a JS Alert same.

In short, when I click on a bar belonging to G1, I want you to show in an Alert its name, Example: "You clicked on G1". Same with the G4 or anyone else on the chart. How can I do that?

HTML code:

      <div class="box-body">
          <canvas id="grupo" height="80px"></canvas>

JS Code:

  var ctx5 = document.getElementById("grupo").getContext('2d');
  var container5 = new Chart(ctx5, {
     type: 'bar',
     data: {
        labels: label_grupo, // variavel alimentada pelo PHP
        datasets: [{
           label: "Total",
           backgroundColor: '#4dbd74',
           data: data_grupo_total, // variavel alimentada pelo PHP
        }, {
           label: "Alfa",
           backgroundColor: '#20a8d8',
           data: data_grupo_macho, // variavel alimentada pelo PHP
        }, {
           label: "Beta",
           backgroundColor: '#4c4c4c',
           data: data_grupo_femea, // variavel alimentada pelo PHP
     options: {
        tooltips: {
           mode: 'index',
           intersect: false
        scales: {
           yAxes: [{
              scaleLabel: {
                 display: true,
                 labelString: "Quantidade"
           xAxes: [{
              gridLines: {
                 color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
              ticks: {
                 autoSkip: false,
                 fontSize: 11,
        legend: {
           labels: {
              boxWidth: 12
           position: "bottom",

1 answer


I think the more organized way would be like, add the property onClick in the object options

    onClick: minhaFuncao

and create its function:

function minhaFuncao(event, array){
        // console.log(array);

Documentation Chart.js #Events

var config = {};
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
var Charts= new Chart.Scatter(ctx, config);

canvas.onclick = function(event){
    var pontosAtivos = Charts.getElementsAtEvent(event);
    var primeiroPonto = pontosAtivos[0];

    if(primeiroPonto !== undefined){
        var label =[primeiroPonto._index];
        var value =[primeiroPonto._datasetIndex].data[primeiroPonto._index];
        alert(label + ": " + value.x);
        alert(label + ": " + value.y);
  • Opa, I read the documentation and was unaware of this manipulation of events, I managed to do, thank you very much. The example I developed is here:

  • 1

    I also use this lib, very versatile =)

  • Just a question I’m left with, the area he recognizes is just the bars, and if I wanted the white area, then what? Here’s an image to explain better, the purple rectangle part is how the click event works and the green part is how I wish but does not recognize:

  • 1

    you can specify with events, both click on the bar and outside to base using X,Y coordinates,

  • Can you show me an example?

  • 1

    I added the answer, but really there is need to click off the canvas outside the bars? what do you want?

  • Just curious, because I have minimal information bars, IE, it is noticeably bad to see and difficult to click, where clicking on the area that belongs to the information, ends up being easier.

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