Multi-level in an OL


Viewed 275 times


I’m trying to get the following result:

  1. Presentation

    1.1. Content

    1.2. Programming

    1.2.1. JAVA

    1.2.2. DOTNET

  2. Completion

    2.1. Acknowledgements

    2.1.1 Family

    2.1.2. Teachers

  3. End

Through the following HTML:

        <li> Conteudo </li>
        <li> Programação </li>
            <li> JAVA </li>
            <li> DOTNET </li>
        <li> Agradecimentos</li>
            <li> Família </li>
            <li> Professores </li>

I came closer through the following CSS:

ol { counter-reset: item }
li { display: block }
li:before { content: counters(item, ".") " "; counter-increment: item }


But it still creates some problems.

Is there any feature of CSS or HTML to get my result?

  • What is still missing? The margins?

  • @Earendul, he puts the wrong numbers.

  • Hmm, it is. I’ll see if I can...

2 answers


You need to leave the tag open <li> each level and close when another level starts.

Corrected code:

ol { counter-reset: item }
li { display: block }
li:before { content: counters(item, ".") " "; counter-increment: item }
    <li class="reseta">Apresentacao
		    <li> Conteudo </li>
		    <li> Programação </li>
		        <li> JAVA </li>
		        <li> DOTNET </li>
	<li class="reseta">Conclusão
            <li> Agradecimentos</li>
                <li> Família </li>
                <li> Professores </li>

Example in Fiddle


A possible solution:

body {
    counter-reset: chapter; /* contador de capitulos */
ol {
   list-style-type: none;
.chapter > li:before {
   counter-increment: chapter; 
   content: counter(chapter)"."; 
ol.section {
    counter-reset: section;

ol.section > li:before { 
    content: counter(chapter)"."counter(section)" "; 
    counter-increment: section;

ol.subsection {
    counter-reset: subsection;

ol.subsection > li:before { 
    content: counter(chapter)"."counter(section)"."counter(subsection)" "; 
    counter-increment: subsection;

And in HTML

<ol class="chapter">
    <ol class="section">
        <li> Conteudo </li>
        <li> Programação </li>
        <ol class="subsection">
            <li> JAVA </li>
            <li> DOTNET </li>
    <ol class="section">
        <li> Agradecimentos</li>
         <ol class="subsection">
            <li> Família </li>
            <li> Professores </li>


  • 1

    I think that semantically does not make sense to put ol inside ol. The right thing would be just to have lis within ol or ul, and the nesting is done inside the li (as in Earendul’s reply). But I may be wrong, the HTML 4.01 specification gives an example, but marks it as "obsolete" (deprecated), without however offering an alternative. The HTML5 candidate specification even touches the subject...

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