Reuse AJAX calls with jQuery


Viewed 144 times



It is very common to see on the internet calls ajax blocks that always repeat exhaustively the same structure, I would like to improve my calls using parameterization patterns and save code of my processes.

Current pattern:

        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        dataType: "html",
        timeout: 30000,
        success: function(data)
            //caso sucesso...
        error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
            //caso erro

I would like to propose a role that is centralizing, something like chamarAjax("POST", url, array(parameters))

But that is where the doubts arise: 1) Whereas parameters can be an array (key/value) how to pass them considering they can be 'n' ?

2) How to work with the return of the executed function (Success, error, complete) in the process/script that called the function ?

I looked for examples of this paradigm but found nothing, I appreciate any indication

  • You can instead use ajax to use AXIOS. It reduces the code that is used a bit.

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    Thanks @Lucasbrogni for the nomination, I will evaluate

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    pq not using $.post and $.get?

  • @Tobiasmesquita nothing against, the point is not themselves, but to concentrate calls. For example instead of having a $.get('user/blablabla') and all its configuration (with timeout for example) I wanted to have something simpler in hand

  • You cannot put in a Function with all the parameters?

  • @Ricardopunctual yes, that’s the idea ! But when I talk about parameters like date (or an array) and at the same time, like Interceptor Success/error/, Voce happens to have some example ?

  • @DVD thanks for sharing, I will evaluate !

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    was going to post something similar to @dvd posted, but his example is very good, taking advantage of the done to call the function and returning date, very good

  • @dvd was perfect what you sent, gave to explore well and generate for my pattern smoothly. Thanks again !

  • Good... I will post as an answer because it gave me work rs..

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2 answers


Young man, the call of $.ajax returns a Promise (most likely not native, but jQuery’s). That way, you can call a function that returns this Promise, allowing parameters, such as function $.ajax already does, but leaving predefined parameters. Thus, you can combine the call from $.ajax and $.extend to increase the power of reuse.

I’ll give you an example of how to upload files with jQuery. I usually use the presets within a function, but not leaving the code plastered:

function ajaxUpload(options)

    options = $.extend({}, {
        cache: false,
        contentType: false,
        processData: false,
        type: 'POST',
    }, options);

    return $.ajax(options);

That way, the call could be made that way:

    url: '/upload/imagem',
    data: data,
}).success(function () {
    console.log('upload da imagem concluído')

    url: '/upload/texto',
    data: data,
    success: function () {
       console.log('upload do texto concluído')

Note that I make two calls, reusing the same "settings" of Ajax. Important to note that in the second call I use the success as part of options, showing that it is possible to have high usability both in the return and by the parameter.

Observing: Depending on your use, you don’t even need to create a function, since jQuery has several methods to facilitate Ajax requests, as you already have predefined request options.

For example:

  • $.post - Define a request using the POST method
  • $.get - Defines a GET request
  • $.getJSON - Defines a request that returns JSON already "parsed".

Exemplifying the use of $.post:

  $.post('/url', {id: 1}, function (response) {
  • thanks for the answer and for the knowledge, really got much more 'elegant' this way. If it’s not too much to ask, you could help with this topic :


Hi @Mcunha98,

You can create a structure with PHP/Jquery. Where the ajax will be as a centralized file, and every time you run a command, define that file by sending values to it, receiving via GET/POST and assigning the variables via js.

for example:

  • menu and products menu.
  • Click on menu clients>new registration
  • when clicking on new registration, make a . load() of the form, where in this form will be the ajax. This form will be called by all resources(customers/products, etc...)
  • the form will receive a parameter, defining from which screen and other items defined as convention of its structure.
  • this I have done, the question is precisely that as the thing grows it starts to have several times the same 'block' at different moments of the code and this is what I want to simplify with a function that already does the direct interface with ajax

  • Try creating a Function nameFunc(){ by placing ajax here and other variables in Success and before }. Then this file would be referenced via src script or inlcude, calling it with its parameters

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