I would like some indication, comment, about both tools for creating games Android
that seek to connect to social networks. The main one I already know, one connects to Facebook, the other to the user Google play and G+.
But I wanted more information to choose one of the tools or even use both.
The game consists of a quiz, where there must be a ranking, platforms must offer service to save the last state of the game (stage) and total colors and the player can publish some information on their social network. These are the main requirements.
Welcome. Could you elaborate a little more on your doubts? We need questions that offer objective or well-founded subjective answers: http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/486/good-subjective-bad-subjective
– Maniero
Hello. I saw that you have already accepted the answer that was given, but just to try to collaborate I would like to suggest that you edit your question to put more details (maybe about the game or about the motivations that you believe exist to be necessary a social connection, etc). Without more details, it gets really hard to help more. :)
– Luiz Vieira
Although I considered it subjective (I didn’t know the rules), I tried to explain my doubt better. I did not find any information of this comparison in other forums.
– lanabia