Filter system by category


Viewed 562 times


I wanted to make a search system where I would search data typed according to the selected category, but I do not know where to start.

I’d like to add the option of filter for category followed by a _<input type="text">_ for the user to select the category and write what he wants to search for :

<select name="opcao_filtro">
           <option value="nulo">--</option>                
           <option value="titulo">Título</option>
           <option value="autor">Autor</option>
           <option value="tema">Tema</option>
           <option value="editora">Editora</option>
           <option value="indice">Índice</option>

Just below would have the input:

<input type="text" name="busca" id="busca">
<input type="submit" value="Procurar">

And then (optional for the user) search for letters (would work together with the category filter):

<a href="url">A</a>
<a href="url">B</a>

Example: Useario chose to filter by title and when he clicks on the letter " To " searched between the category and displayed the results of the titles that started with the selected letter.

1 answer


You could add the filters to the url, that is, you can play your select inside the form.

On the page that will receive the request could do something like:

I’ll do it with PDO

$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;','username','password');
$categoria = $_GET['opcao_filtro'];
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table AS t WHERE t.categorias = ?");
$stmt->execute($categoria); //SE FOSSE 2 PARAMETROS, PASSE UM ARRAY
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

That’s basically it, I don’t know how your back-end is, the question of searching for letters, you’d just have to change the query to something like:

$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table AS t WHERE t.produtos LIKE ?");
$stmt->bindValue(1, "%$letra", PDO::PARAM_STR);

If you have questions about the PDO, use the guide for reference.

If you don’t understand the like, read this explanation.

I hope I’ve been able to shed some light on how to do that. I can not explain a little better, because I do not know if you are using framework or not, what you are using to bridge the gap between programming and bank, but here is a generic example.

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