How to identify route in Laravel?


Viewed 132 times


I’m using a template for the menu and footer to be duplicated on every page. I put a if in the footer for when it is a given route it changes the content, but that is not what is happening, it is interpreting any and all routes as "home". If I access the route "company" it will go to the right page, but the footer will remain the same. Giving a echo Route::currentRouteName(); I only got "home".


Route::get('/', array('as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'HomeController@index'));
Route::get('home', array('as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'HomeController@index'));
Route::get('empresa', array('as' => 'empresa', 'uses' => 'EmpresaController@index'));


@if(str_is('home', Route::currentRouteName()))
    <div class="pure-g">
        <div class="pure-u-1">
            <footer id="rodapeHome">
                <p id="responsabilidadeSocialHomeRodapeTexto">Responsabilidade social também é nosso foco:</p>
                <div id="empresasResponsabilidadeSocial">
                    @foreach($acaoSocial as $acaoSocial)
                        <img src="assets/images/acaosocial/{{$acaoSocial->imagem}}" />
        <div class="pure-u-1" id="caixaDireitosAutorais">
            <p id="tituloRodapeDireitosReservados">‎© 2014 Titina Leão - Todos os direitos reservados.<p/>

1 answer



Route::get('empresa', array('as' => 'home', 'uses' => 'EmpresaController@index'));


Route::get('empresa', array('as' => 'empresa', 'uses' => 'EmpresaController@index'));

I didn’t change the as, which is the route name. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V plus inattention = dead seal babies.

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