How to build a checkbox list from an array?


Viewed 96 times


You guys talking, Blz? I am a beginner in web programming and am doing a hybrid application for mobile devices, I would like to know how to fill a list with the name of an object and its id inside an array in a js function using jquery. Follows the code:

 <div class="list-group" id="itensAmigoConta" style="margin-top: 5%">
  • Beware of bad codes. The answer you accepted has problems.

1 answer


Oops, and ae, beauty? You have to do one by scrolling through your array and so go riding the html inside the div com . append, inserting the field caught by the array and its index, adding an input with the type checkbox and placing the index as its id, as follows:

function exemploLista() {


for(i in seuArray){
    $("#itensAmigoConta").append("<li >"+
    "<input type='checkbox' id='"+i+"'>"+

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