Laravel - view does not work


Viewed 609 times


I’m in trouble: I’m editing a site and Laravel’s view is only working on / and when I put another guy http://localhost/blog/public/Termos she gives as if she had not found codig routes:

Route::get('/', 'SiteController@index');
Route::get('/Contato', 'SiteController@Contrat');
Route::get('/Dicas', 'SiteController@Dicas');
Route::get('/Regulamento', 'SiteController@Regulamento');
Route::get('/Termos', 'SiteController@Termos');
Route::get('/Tutorial', 'SiteController@Tutorial');
Route::get('/Cadastro', 'SiteController@Cadastro');

sitecontroller code:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class SiteController extends Controller
    public function index(){
        return view('/site.Home.index') ;
    public function Contrato(){
        return view('/site.Contrato.index') ;
    public function Dicas(){
        return view('/site.Dicas.index') ;
    public function Regulamento(){
        return view('/site.Regulamento.index') ;
    public function Termos(){
        return view('/site.Termos.index') ;
    public function Tutorial(){
        return view('/site.Tutorial.index') ;
    public function Cadastro(){
        return view('/site.Cadastro.index') ;

Error print q speaks paginanot inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

however the article exists: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The strange thing is that if I change the location of:

public function index(){
            return view('/site.Home.index') ;


public function index(){
            return view('/site.Termos.index') ;

he finds the page and if I do the same procedure on Route::get and change the command Route::get('/', 'SiteController@index'); for Route::get('/', 'SiteController@Termos'); then he usually finds the stranger who just wants to run the /

  • Enable Debug in your .env so it’s easier to know where the bug is.

  • if it is the APP_DEBUG he already is true

  • I didn’t see the route configured public/Termos in your route file and try to take the bar on Return view('/site.Termos.index') ;deixando apenasReturn view('site.Termos.index') ;`

  • Then try to access with http://localhost/blog/Termos

  • @adventistaam took and continues to find

  • @adventistaam se tentar acesso igual vc falou ele da objeto n encontrado

  • Take the la bar from inside the file index.blade.php of the briefcase Termos in line extends also

  • @adventistaam yes I took left as you said and he continues n finding,and equal informed on my last update if I change place he thinks, he is only finding the pastra / the rest he is not finding

  • You took the bar from both the controller and the view Blade file?

  • Yes, I did as you informed me

  • Has how to show what debug displays?

  • what has in templede1?

  • @adventistaam n I’m managing to give Debugbar he n is returning nothing and tmplede1 only has the body of html and @Yield('body')

  • you have the code on github ?

  • What I’ve noticed is that he’s not even in public function Termos(){ } because if I put the same Return view '/site.Termos.index' in public function Index(){ } it finds file and shows normally

  • try to put only one echo 'Pagina termos'; in the Terms function and try to access

  • as I reported in the comment above he does not want to find the Function terms he is only finding the main Function

  • I’m installing here to do this test

  • mano mo estranho pq igual informi se eu trocar a Return view da Function index() pela Return view da Function Terms ele acha a pagina

  • and if I do the same procedure on Route::get and change the command Route::get('/', 'SiteController@index'); for Route::get('/', 'SiteController@Termos'); then he usually finds the stranger who just wants to run the /

  • You already accessed the . htaccess file in the public folder and placed the line RewriteBase /blog below RewriteEngine On?

  • 'Cause the way I told you here in mine worked

  • @adventistaam put what you spoke Rewritebase /blog and now only of the object n found

  • Checks whether this line in apache httpd.conf is uncommented: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

  • 1

    I restarted the machine here and Dérrepende worked normally q loco

  • Thanks @adventistaam for the attention you gave me

  • Tamu together! Glad it worked

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1 answer


Dude, try to stop the php artisan serve and then start it again. And start again. I already had problems and it was the cache, when I created new routes with active serve. If this doesn’t work, clear the configuration caches with :

php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear

Ah, extra tip. Pay attention to your other route : Route::get('/Contato', 'SiteController@Contrat'); You are calling it the Contact url instead of the Contract and when passing to the controller you are looking for a Contrat method instead of a Contract.

Edit: I saw your comment now that you had to restart the machine, so the answer was really cache. I’m glad it worked.

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