Conditional Client-Side (Jquery) validation


Viewed 265 times



I am performing a complex validation on a specific class with the following code (reduced to simplify):

public class Classe1 : IValidatableObject 
    public int Id_Classe1 { get; set; }
    public int Id_Estado { get; set; }
    public virtual Classe2 CLASSE2 { get; set; }

    public Classe1() {
    CLASSE2 = new Classe2();

public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) {
    if (this.Id_Estado == 1) 
        if (CLASSE2.Nm_Classe2 == null)
            yield return new ValidationResult("Campo Nome é obrigatório.", new string[] { "CLASSE2.Nm_Classe2" });

In the controller (Modelstate.Isvalid) the validation is ok. Now I need to reflect this validation in Client-Side, with jquery unobtrusive. Can someone give me some guidance on how to do?

  • Already took a look at the plugin Validator ?

  • Yes. I use it. I happen to want the following: Case Id_Estado (attribute of classe1) be 1, then force the typing of Nm_Classe2 (attribute of classe2 that is not [Required]). Exactly what you are doing in the code above. It would be like putting a [Required] conditional on attribute CLASSE2, but since this attribute is an object of another class it simply does not validate in client-side.

2 answers


To whom it may interest, I found what I needed, I resolved it as follows:

I created a conditional validator that tests a class specific attribute and handles the other class attribute, like this:

public class Classe1 : IValidatableObject
    public int Id_Classe1 { get; set; }
    public int Id_Estado { get; set; }
    public virtual Classe2 CLASSE2 { get; set; }

    [IgualOuDiferente("Id_Estado", "1", "Igual", ErrorMessage = "Campo requerido")]
    public string Teste
        get { return this.CLASSE2.Nm_Classe2; }
        set { CLASSE2.Nm_Classe2 = value; }

That is, if the attribute "Id_status" is "Equal" to "1", requires you to enter the Nm_Classe2, even though he’s in another class (Classe2) without the [Required].

In View it looks like this:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Teste)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Teste)



Implementing custom attributes that implement an interface called IClientValidatable. In this question users show in detail how to do this.

In this case, your event Validate enters as a validation bonus, only on the server side.

  • I read the question, including I already implement a customized method that tests a specific field that, if it contains a certain value, requires filling in another field. It is exactly what I want, it happens that I came across the problem that the field that I am requiring is in another class, and I can not find how to do this validation. If I put one [Required] just above the attribute CLASSE2, it does not work because it is an object that contains other attributes.

  • Place the validation attribute in the field that should be validated from your CLASSE2. The ModelState is able to validate a property of an aggregated class even if the class in question is the class containing its aggregated class.

  • I appreciate the suggestion, the problem is that there is screen that uses this same class and, on this screen, it cannot be required. Thus, I really wanted to make an attribute of another class required according to the value defined in an attribute in the current class (exactly as described above).

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