Hello, I’m having the following difficulty: I’m using a Select that encompasses two tables tb_illness and tb_vaccine, but it does not display all values.
On the table tb_illness there are 33 records, but when I use the following querry: select tb_doenca.nome_doenca, count(tb_vacina.nome_vacina) AS qt from tb_doenca join tb_vacina on nome_doenca = comb_vacina GROUP BY comb_vacina ORDER BY count(tb_vacina.nome_vacina)
it returns only 30 records, probably because there is no relationship between the tb_illness and the tb_vaccine in the records... I wanted to know a way to show all diseases and in the records that there is no vaccine for a disease she is still displayed with 0
friend uses left Join, think q solves your problem.
– Maycon F. Castro