I have the following situation: I have files in txt format, which are generated by another program and I will have to read this file row by row to generate payment slips, in this file approximately I will have 40 columns with data. Well, for the purpose of processing this data, would it be better if I read this txt file and go directly to generate the boletos,or would it be better if I put this data in a database and then to make the generation of these boletos I would make a reading of this data? I’ll have files that could be more than 50 lines from a single company. I am worried about the performance to do all this. Will generate the boletos in PDF format I will be using HTML2PDF to generate the pdfs. Could have another way to read these txt files?
I imagine doing this,but I am worried about the performance, imagine that I will have about 40 companies to generate tickets and each company will have approximately 30 to 50 tickets.
– edson ferrari