Heroku Login Error: Cannot read Property 'body' of Undefined


Viewed 38 times



I am getting the following error when trying to log in.

heroku login
heroku: Enter your login credentials
Email: ########@gmailTypeError: Cannot read property 'body' of undefined 
    at new HerokuAPIError (C:/ProgramFiles/heroku/client/node_modules/@heroku-cli/command/lib/api_client.js:12:33)
    at Login.login (C:/Program Files/heroku/client/node_modules/@heroku-cli/command/lib/login.js:78:19)

Someone has already been through this problem, and would have the solution?

  • 1

    I got a tip from Github. A shortcut to solve the problem for now is: Type your email in a text editor, then copy it to my clipboard and paste it quickly before the error appeared. That allowed me to enter.

1 answer


An update came out that solves the problem.

On Github, the jdxcode that is a member of Heroku, reported that the latest update (7.0.88) solves the problem by logging in.

Just run the update.

λ heroku update                                                                    
heroku: Updating CLI from 7.0.87-beta.5da7c01 to 7.0.87-beta.99c8869 (beta)... done
heroku: Updating CLI... done                                                       

λ heroku login                                                                     
heroku: Enter your login credentials                                               
Email: ########@gmail.com                                                        
Password: **********                                                              
Logged in as #######@gmail.com

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