Ruby syntax error: Unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting keyword_end


Viewed 178 times


When creating tables I used camelcase to create columns, but using Ruby on Rails to generate hash, when relating the two tables appears error message


@testes = Teste.find_by_sql(
 SELECT * FROM  tabelax
 INNER JOIN tabelay on tabelay."Campoy" =  tabelax."Campox"
 render json: @testes

Error message: syntax error, Unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting keyword_end

1 answer


You are repeating double quotes, Ruby cannot know where your string actually ends.

Change the double quotes at the beginning by simple and will solve.

@testes = Teste.find_by_sql(
 SELECT * FROM  tabelax
 INNER JOIN tabelay on tabelay."Campoy" =  tabelax."Campox"
render json: @testes

If you configure your classes correctly you can do this query without SQL, using only Activerecord, for example:

  • Thank you very much vnbrs.

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