In my html I am using Javascript to try to recover a Json object saved in localStorage. I am using Google Chrome.
First I get the value of the "name" attribute of my Json object that is in localStorage, via form, and then I run the script that should recover this object, saving it in a var. However, I have the following mistake:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at buscaConta (principal.html:114)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (principal.html:99)
buscaConta @ principal.html:114
onclick @ principal.html:99
This is the snippet with my form and the script that retrieves the Json object by "name".
div class="formu" id="formularioDeIdent" style="display:none">
<p class="textoForm"> Informe seu nome: </p>
<label for="nome"> Nome: </label>
<input type="text" id="nome" />
<div class="centralizar">
<button class="botaoPequeno" type="button" onClick="buscaConta()">Buscar sua conta</button>
<div class="centralizar" style="display:none">
<button class="botaoPequeno" type="button" onClick="mudaMenu('formularioDeIdent', 'menu2')">Prosseguir</button>
function buscaConta(){
var name = document.getElementById('nome');
The search form and Json saved in the Storage location:
The code I use to save Json objects to localStorage:
var nome = document.getElementById('nome');
var agencia = document.getElementById('agencia');
var conta = document.getElementById('conta');
var obj;
document.getElementById("enviarConta").addEventListener('click', function(){
//Monta o objeto que será salvo
obj = {
nome: nome.value,
agencia: agencia.value,
conta: conta.value
//Mostra no console o objeto antes de ser salvo no localStorage
//Salva o objeto no localStorage
localStorage[nome.value] = JSON.stringify(obj);
I’m not sure, but I believe this error is related to how you saved the object in localStorage, add that part of the code to the question
– Costamilam
localStorage[name.value] is Undefined, probably. test with console.log(localStorage[name.value]);
– Sveen
There is something wrong there, the key is JSON, and value is null. The key needs to be Lucas dos Santos and value should be JSON
– Sveen
Enter your code by entering the data into Localstorage
– Sveen
@Sveen Yes, I tested as you said, console.log(localStorage[name.value]), and returned Undefined. But if name.value = "Lucas dos Santos", the script should not find the Json object with the attribute name of the same value?
– Lucas Pletsch
But as you can see, the data is in the localStorage...
– Lucas Pletsch
But I’ll put the script to write the object as well. Just a moment
– Lucas Pletsch
@Lucaspletsch the data was entered wrong. In this case, you only put the key, but no value. You will only find this object when you place the entire JSON in the search
– Sveen
@Sveen Boa. So if I enter value (set of attributes, as name, agency...?) I can do the name search?
– Lucas Pletsch
Could you give me an example of how to enter value together?
– Lucas Pletsch
Clear localStorage, and try with localStorage.setItem(obj.name,JSON.stringify(obj));
– Sveen
That mistake is because the code
is not finding localStorage with the name.value– Sam
Put in place

and you will see that there is no error– Sam
the problem is that you are all messing with this... already asked 3 questions with the same subject and is not able to do. Simple thing.
– Sam
The mistake
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
... thatu
is ofundefined
... is trying to parse something that doesn’t exist.– Sam
But the object exists. Did you see the screen print I put up? The object is there and the console says it doesn’t. name.value is the contents of the name var, right? and that’s why I’m doing the right search? So why doesn’t the script find the Json object?
– Lucas Pletsch