How to create a closer drive search with google api


Viewed 225 times


I need to mount a search that the person selects the state and on the map appear the nearest units, as in the image, how do I? I don’t know where to start: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • You need it to be in PHP or it can be with Javascript?

  • could be anyone

  • I did something like that the other day. In the case I did taking the client’s current location, then made the filter based on a given radius, something like: $limit = '1,86411'; // 2,999994244 km $query = '( 6371 * acos( cos( radians('. $lat. ') * cos( radians( addresses.latitude ) * cos( radians( addresses.longitude ) - radians('. $long. ') ) + sin( radians('. $lat. ') ) * sin( radians( addresses.latitude ) )' ), '<=', $limit); From there you can use your imagination and think about how to mount the query

1 answer


You can use the Library of Google Places:

var map;
var service;
var infowindow;

function initialize() {
  var pyrmont = new google.maps.LatLng(-33.8665433,151.1956316);

  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
      center: pyrmont,
      zoom: 15

  var request = {
    location: pyrmont,
    radius: '500', //Ditância máxima em todas direlções a partir da Longitude e Latitude informados
    types: ['store'] //Que tipos de lugares deve mostrar

  service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);
  service.nearbySearch(request, callback);

function callback(results, status) {
  if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
      var place = results[i];

It is very complete and you can make several filters as maximum distance, organize the items by proximity, among others recommend you read the documentation

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