Write data to 3 PDO related tables


Viewed 164 times


I need to input data into 3 tables related using the PDO. The first table t_repo_proj (repositórios), and the second t_grnte_proj (gerentes).

I need to know which manager is associated with which repository. To do this, I created a 3° table a t_repo_proj_grnte that will receive only the SK (not incremental) from the previous 2 tables.

Follow my class of connection:


require_once ('C:\xampp\htdocs\PhpProject1\Classes\Config.php');

class DB{ private static $instance; public static function getInstance(){ if(!isset(self::$instance)){ try { self::$instance = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS); self::$instance->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); self::$instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_OBJ); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } return self::$instance; }

public static function prepare($sql){
    return self::getInstance()->prepare($sql);


I have a crud class that inherits from DB, but it makes my select and delete only....

My class Managers:

require_once ('C:\xampp\htdocs\PhpProject1\Classes\Crud.php');

class Gerentes extends Crud{ protected $table = 't_grnte_proj'; private $nm_grnte_proj; private $sk_grnte_proj;

public function setNm_grnte_proj($nm_grnte_proj) {
    $this->nm_grnte_proj = $nm_grnte_proj;

  public function getNm_grnte_proj() {
    return $this->nm_grnte_proj;

  public function setSk_grnte_proj($sk_grnte_proj) {
    $this->sk_grnte_proj = $sk_grnte_proj;

  public function getSk_grnte_proj() {
    return $this->sk_grnte_proj;

  public function insert(){
      $sql = "insert into $this->table (sk_grnte_proj,nm_grnte_proj) values (:sk_grnte_proj,:nm_grnte_proj)";
      $stmt = DB::prepare($sql);
      $stmt->bindParam(':sk_grnte_proj', $this->sk_grnte_proj);
      $stmt->bindParam(':nm_grnte_proj', $this->nm_grnte_proj);
      return $stmt->execute();


My repositories class:

require_once ('C:\xampp\htdocs\PhpProject1\Classes\Crud.php');

class Repositorios extends Crud{ protected $table = 't_repo_proj'; private $ds_repo_proj; private $sk_repo_proj;

public function setDs_repo_proj($ds_repo_proj) {
    $this->ds_repo_proj = $ds_repo_proj;

  public function getDs_repo() {
    return $this->ds_repo_proj;

   public function setSk_repo_proj($ds_repo_proj) {
    $this->sk_repo_proj = $ds_repo_proj;

  public function getSk_repo_proj() {
    return $this->sk_repo_proj;

  public function insert(){
      $sql = "insert into $this->table (sk_repo_proj,ds_repo_proj) values (:sk_repo_proj,:ds_repo_proj)";
      $stmt = DB::prepare($sql);
      $stmt->bindParam(':sk_repo_proj', $this->sk_repo_proj);
      $stmt->bindParam(':ds_repo_proj', $this->ds_repo_proj);
      return $stmt->execute();


And finally, a part of my index where I introduce the classes and call the insert method.




                   $sk_desenv = $_POST['txt_codigo_pessoal'];
                   $nm_desenv = $_POST['txt_nome'];

                   $sk_repo_proj = $_POST['txt_sk_repo_proj'];
                   $ds_repo_proj = $_POST['txt_repo'];




              if($cargo=='gerente') {

                   $sk_grnte_proj = $_POST['txt_codigo_pessoal'];
                   $nm_grnte_proj = $_POST['txt_nome'];

                   $sk_repo_proj = $_POST['txt_sk_repo_proj'];
                   $ds_repo_proj = $_POST['txt_repo'];






1 answer


You’ll have to turn all this into one function, use beginTransaction(), rollback() in php, all within a Try catch

  • So, the functions Insert (repository) and Insert (manager) would be executed in a single function in another class for example? could you give me an example? I can make a transaction from my getInstance() of the connection class?

  • Exactly that

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