On the Nfe Nacional website (http://www.nfe.fazenda.gov.br/portal/webServices.aspx?tipoConteudo=Wak0FwB7dKs=) i already have a software made in VB.NET that consumes the WEBSERVICES
And NfeDownloadNF
) but due to a new technical standard these webservices
will be discontinued.
The new one is in force WEBSERVICE
) for manifesting/downloading of fiscal notes.
Someone has some ready base so that I can at least find the "path of the stones" of manifestation and download (by access key Nfe or Lot) ?
By the time I know this web service is already working, including I am consuming it for queries. this is the url: https://www1.nfe.fazenda.gov.br/NFeDistribuicaoDFe/NFeDistribuicaoDFe.asmx if you are using this I can help you with something, my application is in java. what I am researching is how to do to manifest the note and consult whether it is manifested or not, which apparently is not available in the consultation of this new service.
– Rafael Reynoud
It would help me a lot, I taking the basis of how to consult already opens at least one way here
– Wesley Adriano Pinheiro
Related: https://answall.com/questions/53209/nfe-3-10-webservice-mg?rq=1
– CypherPotato