Php error api youtube


Viewed 90 times


I was using until 2 weeks ago the code below to list the name of the video through the API youtube.



$dados ="Roberto Carlos";

$video_list = json_decode(file_get_contents(''.urlencode($dados).'&maxResults=3&key=AIzaSyAVittweX_WS_VQYypeYl5uDSWl2ti7PMc'));?>

<?php foreach($video_list->items as $item){?>

Titulo da musica : <?php echo $item->snippet->title;?>

<?php } ;?>

Now you’re making the following mistake:

Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed 

How can I fix this mistake?

  • That key is valid ?

  • Yes and validates already tested


  • a look up here url

  • See the answer to this question : will probably work if it doesn’t serve comment there again

  • I had already seen my director but I did not understand and I could not solve

  • That answer over there shows how to disable peer checking, will allow you to connect without security, I have no way to test a code now, if no one responds tomorrow I make a response.

  • Okay my director I’ll wait

  • Hi my director is still around ?

  • Got it that way I’ll put in a reply the code

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2 answers




$video_list = file_get_contents("", false, stream_context_create($arrContextOptions));

echo $video_list;

Now I need to list each title I’m doing so more is giving error

<?php foreach($video_list->items as $item){;?>
<?php echo $item->snippet->title;?><br>

<?php } ;?>


This happens because you are not setting up a valid certificate in the settings of openssl in your PHP.

There are several alternatives to fix or "circumvent" this problem

Downloading and configuring a valid certificate

If you do not have a valid SSL certificate to configure, you can download the link, after downloading this certificate, just add the code below in your php.ini and then restart your server.


Use tools such as, check the validity of a certificate.

Disabling the SSL on file_get_contents

If, for some reason, you don’t want to use SSL, you can create an object stream_context. In this object you can inform that you do not want to perform a secure request.

In function file_get_contents we can pass three parameters:

  • $filename: File name or URL;
  • $flags: The way we want to access content (FILE_BINARY, FILE_TEXT etc.);
  • $context: Object created from the function stream_context_create.



$dados = "Roberto Carlos";
$url   = ''.urlencode($dados).'&maxResults=3&key=AIzaSyAVittweX_WS_VQYypeYl5uDSWl2ti7PMc';

$stream = stream_context_create([
    'ssl' => [                 /* Configuração do openssl da requisição */
        'verify_peer' => false /* Ignora a necessidade do certificado e desabilita requisição segura */

$result = file_get_contents($url, FILE_BINARY, $stream);

$video_list = json_decode($result);

foreach($video_list->items as $item){;

Informing a certificate with file_get_contents

If you have limitations on your server and cannot modify the file php.ini, you can use the stream_context to inform the path of the certificate you generated or downloaded, for example:


$dados = "Roberto Carlos";
$url   = ''.urlencode($dados).'&maxResults=3&key=AIzaSyAVittweX_WS_VQYypeYl5uDSWl2ti7PMc';

$stream = stream_context_create([
    'ssl' => [                               /* Configuração do openssl da requisição */
        'verify_peer' => true,               /* Habilita requisição segura */
        'cafile'      => '/pasta/cacert.pem' /* Informe a pasta onde você baixou/gerou seu certificado */

$result = file_get_contents($url, FILE_BINARY, $stream);

$video_list = json_decode($result);

foreach($video_list->items as $item){;

Using Curl

Another possibility is to use the Curl to make requests. This option is more robust, but will similarly make a request.

To configure how our request should be made, we need to use the function curl_setopt. It is in this function that we will inform if the request should be of the type POST or GET; Whether we can "follow" the redirects or not; Whether or not we should ignore the use of the openssl certificate and etc.

Commented example:


$dados = "Roberto Carlos";
$url   = ''.urlencode($dados).'&maxResults=3&key=AIzaSyAVittweX_WS_VQYypeYl5uDSWl2ti7PMc';

/* Instancia o cURL e definimos a URL que desejamos passar */
$ch = curl_init($url);

/* Informamos que queremos receber o retorno da requisição */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

 * Desabilita a necessidade do certificado, ignorando a segurança
 * Atenção: Remova a linha abaixo, caso você já tenha configurado o `php.ini`
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

/* Realizamos a requisição e obtermos o resultado */
$result = curl_exec($ch);

/* Fechamos a requisição */

$video_list = json_decode($result);

foreach($video_list->items as $item){;

Using Curl with SSL

If you have limitations on your server and cannot modify the file php.ini, you can enter the generated/downloaded certificate location in the Curl configuration:

Commented example:


$dados = "Roberto Carlos";
$url   = ''.urlencode($dados).'&maxResults=3&key=AIzaSyAVittweX_WS_VQYypeYl5uDSWl2ti7PMc';

/* Instancia o cURL e definimos a URL que desejamos passar */
$ch = curl_init($url);

/* Informamos que queremos receber o retorno da requisição */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

/* Indique o local do arquivo *.pem que você baixou/gerou */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/path/to/cacert.pem");

/* Realizamos a requisição e obtermos o resultado */
$result = curl_exec($ch);

/* Fechamos a requisição */

$video_list = json_decode($result);

foreach($video_list->items as $item){;
  • Dude you did it all Thank you so much Now I get it !

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