Hello! I have to take the date that is in the database and make an alert in javascript two days before that date.
How do I put this alert in a javascript box on the system?
Hello! I have to take the date that is in the database and make an alert in javascript two days before that date.
How do I put this alert in a javascript box on the system?
In the PHP, you could have something more or less like this:
// Instancia o objeto MySQLi e faz a conexão com a base de dados
// (Altere os dados com as credenciais do seu servidor MySQL)
$conexao = new mysqli('host', 'root', 'pswd', 'db');
// Declara a flag p/ exibição de mensagens como desativada
$alerta = FALSE;
// Consulta de exemplo
// (Altere a consulta conforme a sua tabela)
$sql = "SELECT `data` FROM `tabela` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1";
// Executa a consulta
$consulta = $conexao->query($sql);
// Gera o resultado da consulta
$resultado = $consulta->fetch_array();
// Pega a data atual e converte p/ padrão timestamp do Unix
$hoje = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
// Converte a data do banco p/ padrão timestamp do Unix
$data = strtotime($resultado['data']);
// Verifica se a data ainda não foi ultrapassada
if ($hoje < $data)
// Calcula a diferença em segundos
$diferenca = $data - $hoje;
// Converte a diferença p/ dias
$dias = (int) floor($diferenca / (60 * 60 * 24));
// Verifica se a quantidade de dias atende sua condição
if ($dias <= 2)
// Ativa a flag p/ exibir mensagem
$alerta = TRUE;
Now in your code HTML, you can generate the message using a simple PHP:
<?php if ($alerta) { ?>
<p>Atenção! Mensagem de alerta!</p>
<?php } ?>
Calculating the difference in days between two dates - Blog Thiago Belem
Thanks! That’s the idea right there...
Browser other questions tagged javascript
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What have you ever tried to do?
– Roberto de Campos
What language back-end are you using? Generally to do this you will need more than just Javascript.
– user98628
@Pauloimon the language being used is PHP. My question is just how to make this team in javascript.
– Isaque
If you want to display the
, can compare the dates on PHP and then spend some flag to your code within the tag<script>
. No need to use AJAX nor CRON JOBS.– user98628
That’s right there @Pauloimon. Only I want to kind of create a div and I want that alert to appear in the div box. Not in a javascript Alert box.
– Isaque