Host website in Aravel


Viewed 2,141 times


I have a project in Laravel. When I put my files to my hosting server and access the domain, it shows me the files and folders instead of redirecting me to the index.

On my machine I create a virtualhost pointing to the public folder, where .htaccess. But on my hosting server I do not know how to make this redirection.

I use Hostgator hosting and place the files on the server, via FTP. Inside the public_html folder.

Could someone help me?

1 answer


In your server’s public_html folder, put all the files in your project’s public folder.

Now at the root of your server (outside of public_html), you upload all the other files.

Follows Source.

  • Good afternoon. I got another way. I put another . htaccess at the root of my project and solved.

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