Kaspersky Anti-virus Blocking Modal Bootstrap


Viewed 162 times


My blocking Antivirus when opening modal, the modal is not even displayed right.

Follows code:

Click event:

$("#cartoes_click").click(function () {
    $('.ModalContent_Cartoes').load("/Payment/_Cartoes_Fisica", function () {


public PartialViewResult _Cartoes_Fisica()
   return PartialView();


Here I have a piece of javascript code, which antivirus blocks:

var teste1 = "Número do cartão inválido";


vat teste2 = "Invalid card number";

With these codes above, Kaspersky blocks modal bootstrap, if I do put string like this: var teste1 = qualquer coisa aqui, antivirus does not block.

When I click on the button to open modal, give these messages below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

That means an antivirus has a reserved word ?

1 answer


Dude, Kaspersky is a great anti-virus... I don’t use anti-virus because I’m my own anti-virus, but your case is really weird, I’ve never seen anything like this.

Probably, the anti-virus is blocked because your site does not have "https" even being on localhost, because now site without HTTPS, are considered much more insecure, until now there is SSL certificate for free.

Try to get the code up in a ssl port, or... just so you don’t get mad at the anti-virus, put this as a false positive.

  • I mean if I activate ssl, the antivirus no longer has the ability to block ?

  • 1

    The guy is absolutely right, I activated the SSL here, and it worked.

  • thanks to those who clicked on the bottom arrow and denied me

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