Change the Android App icon


Viewed 12,496 times


I’m developing an app in Android Studio and when running the app on the smartphone, the icon that appears is the Android itself. How do I change this icon for one I have on my computer?

1 answer


Simply replace the icons that are present in the folder res/mipmap.

The icon, in this case, is called ic_launcher and ic_launcher_round. The second uses rounded edges, is a round icon.

You can replace them or place your new icon with a different name. If you do this, just change the AndroidManifest tag <Application>.

    android:icon="@mipmap/icon_name" <!-- icone aqui -->
    android:roundIcon="@mipmap/icon_name_rounded" <!-- icone aqui -->

You can use the attribute roundIcon as well as can remove it if you do not want to use it.

You can also create icons using this site: Asset Studio: Icon Launcher

You can export your image to the site, define styles (borders, shadows...) and it will generate you the icons in their proper dimensions (hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, ...).

It’s very useful! :)

  • Perfect itscorey. Thank you so much.

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