Map of Google Maps does not open after the app launched


Viewed 908 times


I’m using the Google Maps Android API, but it’s not working when I send the app to Google Play. In debug it works normally and when I run the application by Android Studio too, but when I launch the application for Playstore it does not open the maps on which I make the requests. Yesterday I climbed the app, and there in the statistics of google console even shows that it was made request (see the image below), however, apparently did not open the map.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Someone has come across this situation?

  • Is your phone on Speed Mode? Because I believe that if you are able to connect with PC/Host and use ADT debugged even in the App downloaded by playstore, I don’t remember if you need to root.

2 answers



You need to create the Release Key HASH, you probably just created the debug.

Then you change there the ip that the hash returns, and you get two, one of development and one of production.


  • It’s Leonardo, blz?! At first, thanks for helping. Well, I had already created the release hash, using the Keystore with extension .jks. Now not what is this ip you are talking about. I use exactly the key that was generated from the sha1 generated with this release hash. Is there anything missing?

  • I am using it to generate my sha1 keytool -list -v -alias minhachave -Keystore’D: Dropbox minhachave.jks'


I had this problem and I was able to solve it. I just had to open Androidmainifest and change the part where the maps Key API is requested. Instead of indicating the key using string, I typed the key directly. It looks like this: Before:

            android:value="@string/google_maps_key" />


            android:value="digitei a API KEY aqui" />

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