How to interpret the use of the CPU through the monitor of the options of Android developers?


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Android has in its developer tools the option to display CPU usage. Would you like to know how to interpret them? Or, some other app which performs the same type of service for analysing the processing of the appliance.

  • Every Samsung device has at least one or two applications to view CPU usage. Some launchers as well. There are thousands of apps in Play! that have this feature too. But I don’t know if there’s anything unified.

3 answers


In the developer options there is the option "Show CPU usage", which will display in the upper right corner of the screen some statistics. In the first line there is the medium load of the system, with three values representing the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. The value is calculated as the number of times the system would need more to handle the message multiplied by the number of CPU cores. That is, if your device has 4 cores and this value shows 5, you would need to have 5 cores to continue without any process having to wait. Time indication helps to get a sense if usage is growing or decreasing.

Below is a list of active processes (those not sleeping or waiting for I/O).

Under each process and under the load values are three bars that indicate the use of CPU in each process/overall system. The green part is the use in userspace (the application is running its own code), the red on kernel (some operation has been delegated to the system and the process is waiting for response) and the blue waiting in kernel for readings or writings (similar to the second case, but here the system cannot return immediately and is not actually processing, just waiting).


Color bars are the time spent for each process with user space (green), kernel (red) and input/output (blue). The bar at the top is the total expense.

The three numbers in the upper right corner are the average load - how many processes there were on average on the machine running or waiting for appeal. They represent respectively this average in the latter 1 minute, in the latter 5 minutes and in the latter 15 minutes. That is, if these numbers are a ascending order (2.5 / 5.0 / 7.5) it means that the CPU has been vacated in the last few minutes.


Another good option to measure CPU usage (among others) is to use the command:

adb shell top -m 10

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