React Native build app


Viewed 731 times


When creating a React project activate and I try to run it by the *React-Native run-android* command this error appears, no matter if it is direct on the physical device or AVD.

I have created several projects and always build fails

I have also tried to compile the app directly by *gradlew assembleDebug*, the error also appears.

I think it’s related to Gradle but I couldn’t solve


  • You’re trying to run on what? AVD, Genymotion, Physical device?

  • This project was already running and after vc install something gave this error, or just in creating the project this already presents the fault?

  • Have you ever run other projects on this machine before or is this the first attempt? If you run another project passes, or any project gives the error?

  • Improve that description there

  • @Matthew I have tried on AVD and direct on the physical device, the first time I try to run the newly created project the error appears, I have created several projects and always gives the same error

  • @Felipemarra tests with the "npm start" command inside the project folder.

  • @RhadamezGindriHercilio

  • @Felipemarra which command you used to create the project?

  • @Matthew React-Activate init test

  • @Please felipemarra the only thing I can think of is that you were wrong to set up the development environment

  • Who knows, try creating project through "create-React-Native-app Project Name"

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1 answer


When he opened the project in Android Studio he updated Gradle to the latest version, this caused the error, I just found that it is just not accept when suggest the update from 3.1 to 4.1 that is all right Thank you very much to all those who were willing to help

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