I’m developing a route mapping system using the Google Maps API.
I have the points of origin and destination and between those points there are some points of interest. When plotting the route Google returns me the best route and mark these points on the map. I display the route data in a div
My function that calculates the route, the part that returns the data looks like this:
directionsService.route(request, $.proxy(function(response, status){
if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
var orders = response.routes[0].waypoint_order;
var route = response.routes[0];
var total_distance = 0;
var displayRoute = $('#detail-route');
for (i = 0; i < route.legs.length; i++){
var routeSegment = i + 1,
from_address = route.legs[i].start_address.split(','),
to_address = route.legs[i].end_address.split(',');
total_distance += Math.floor(route.legs[i].distance.value / 1000);
displayRoute.append('<b>Trecho ' + routeSegment + ': </b><br/>');
displayRoute.append('<b>Saindo de: </b>' + from_address[0] + '<br/>');
displayRoute.append('<b>Indo para: </b>' + to_address[0] + '<br/>');
displayRoute.append('<b>Distância: </b>' + route.legs[i].distance.text);
displayRoute.prepend('total:' + this.format(total_distance) + ' km' + '<br/><br/>');
function format()
is my function to format km.
The problem is that, in some routes, the waypoint_order
shows a different order.
For example:
For a given route, the route.legs[i]
returns order:
waypoint 0, 1 waypoint, waypoint 3, waypoint 2
but the returns waypoint_orderattribute [3, 0, 2, 1, 3]
Is this the expected behavior, or is something missing?
Did I get this to work? If the answer below is correct you can accept it. If you can’t answer it yourself so others can use it in the future...
– Sergio
It’s not working yet.
– Vanderson Ramos