Insert with Foreign Key (user + address(FK)) PHP(PDO) + Mysql


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Good afternoon, you guys.

I have a small question: When registering a customer (with an address field (fk)) the correct way is something like this, or has a better way?

INSERT INTO endereco(logradouro, numero, bairro, cidade)
VALUES (:logradouro, :numero, :bairro, :cidade)");

Get the ID where the address matches what was previously entered;

SELECT id FROM endereco
WHERE logradouro = :logradouro AND numero = :numero 
                 AND bairro = :bairro AND cidade = :cidade;

Insert the recovered ID into SELECT in FK(id_do_select);

INSERT INTO usuario(login, senha, nome, endereco_id)
VALUES (:login, :senha, :nome, :id_do_select)");

Have any way to enter the address id in the client’s FK without first making a SELECT?


  • Address has primary key?

1 answer


If you are using php PDO

use the $db->lastInsertId();

$sql = 'INSERT INTO 
endereco(logradouro, numero, bairro, cidade)
VALUES (:logradouro, :numero, :bairro, :cidade)';

$sql = $db->prepare($sql);

$id = $db->lastInsertId(); //retorna  ultimo  id inserido

Or by SQL

INSERT INTO table_name (col1, col2,...) VALUES ('val1', 'val2'...);

See how it works in

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