Error in selection query about social network requests


Viewed 37 times


Hello, in my project I need to list the people and requests received by the user, but when listing people, I need to list only those who did not submit or that the user did not submit requests, in case, my friendship table keeps the status of the request, being 0 for pending

SELECT * FROM tbUsuario user JOIN tbAmizade am, tbGenMus gen WHERE NOT
((am.fkUsuarioSend = user.usId AND am.fkUsuarioReceive = {$_SESSION['usuario']['usId']})
OR (am.fkUsuarioSend = {$_SESSION['usuario']['usId']} AND am.fkUsuarioReceive = user.UsId))
AND NOT user.usId = {$_SESSION['usuario']['usId']} AND gen.idGenMus = user.fkGenMus;

created this query and worked for a moment, but when the user sent more than one request, the query started to duplicate the results and put the ones that should not appear.

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1 answer


I believe the problem may be in your JOIN, you can try using ON to specify the JOIN condition.

FROM tbUsuario user 
     JOIN tbAmizade am ON = am.user_id, 
     tbGenMus gen 

Without using ON, your JOIN will be equivalent to a CROSS JOIN, resulting in the Cartesian product of the link between the two tables.

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