The macro below is a generic macro to transpose values that are organized in columns to rows.
Using as an example your question, where values are organized in columns of months:
País Jan Fev Mar
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Brasil 110,00 120,00 130,00
Alemanha 210,00 220,00 230,00
The macro will generate a resulting table where the months and their respective values are displayed online:
Pais Mês Valor
---------- --- ----------
Brasil Jan 110,00
Brasil Fev 120,00
Brasil Mar 130,00
Alemanha Jan 210,00
Alemanha Fev 220,00
Alemanha Mar 230,00
In your case the macro can be called as follows:
Transpor "Plan1", "A1:M101", "Plan2", "A1", "Mês", "Valor"
Macro to Transpose Columns in Rows
Public Sub Transpor(PlanilhaOrigem As String, IntervaloTabelaOrigem As String, _
PlanilhaDestino As String, CelulaDestino As String, _
Optional TituloValores1 As String = "Valor1", _
Optional TituloValores2 As String = "Valor2")
Dim rangeTabelaOrigem As Range
Dim rangeCelulaDestino As Range
Dim lin As Integer
Dim col As Integer
Dim linDest As Integer
'Definir o intervalo da tabela onde estão os dados de origem (incluindo cabeçalho)
Set rangeTabelaOrigem = Worksheets(PlanilhaOrigem).Range(IntervaloTabelaOrigem)
'Definir a célula onde inicia a tabela de destino
Set rangeCelulaDestino = Worksheets(PlanilhaDestino).Range(CelulaDestino)
'Montar o cabeçalho da tabela de destino
rangeCelulaDestino.Value = rangeTabelaOrigem.Cells(1, 1)
rangeCelulaDestino.Offset(, 1).Value = TituloValores1
rangeCelulaDestino.Offset(, 2).Value = TituloValores2
'Percorrer a tabela de origem e preencher a tabela de destino
For lin = 2 To rangeTabelaOrigem.Rows.Count
For col = 2 To rangeTabelaOrigem.Columns.Count
linDest = linDest + 1
rangeCelulaDestino.Offset(linDest).Value = rangeTabelaOrigem.Cells(lin, 1).Value
rangeCelulaDestino.Offset(linDest, 1).Value = rangeTabelaOrigem.Cells(1, col).Value
rangeCelulaDestino.Offset(linDest, 2).Value = rangeTabelaOrigem.Cells(lin, col).Value
End Sub
How would it be? for example: country 1 a is inserted in row 1 and country 2 in row 13?
– danieltakeshi
Hello danieltakeshi, Fernando got the solution right. I thank you very much for your interaction and help.
– Joseli Alves
I’m glad your doubt has been resolved. To help the Sopt community, you could accept the answer
– danieltakeshi