Select different values in two tables - SQL and PHP


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I have two tables to pedido_tb and the pedido_grade, what I want to do is compare, the values of the column "request" of the requested table and column "n_pedido" of pedido_grade, basically, would like to get the values you have in pedido_tb and do not have in pedido_grade.

I tried the following code:

$sql = "SELECT pedido FROM pedido_tb WHERE pedido NOT IN (SELECT n_pedido FROM pedido_grade)";

$disp_sql = $mysqli->query($sql);

$num = $disp_sql->num_rows;

echo "</br>número de linhas ".$num."</br>";

Does anyone have any idea why nothing returns?

  • The query is apparently correct. I answered your question using LEFT JOIN, if it doesn’t work check if your php errors are not disabled, there may be some connection error or pointing to a wrong base. has n possibilities.

3 answers


SELECT pedido FROM table1 WHERE pedido NOT IN (SELECT n_pedido FROM table2)
  • Hello Rodrigo, I edited my question because the code did not work :/


Just make a simple SELECT with subquery

SELECT pedido FROM table1 WHERE pedido NOT IN (SELECT n_pedido FROM table2)

However, if you need one day to display records of the two tables you can use JOIN, so I’ll leave you an example to study


SELECT pedido.table, n_pedido.table2 FROM table1
    INNER JOIN table2 ON =


SELECT pedido.table, n_pedido.table2 FROM table1
     LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ON =
  • thanks for replying @Victor, I saw that in your comparison =, the two columns have the same name, and if they are of different names, also employee? thank you

  • i gave an example to you that the comparison is the id, so the two tables have to have the id column, but if you indicate for example, imagine that table 1 has a product field and table 2 has an id_product field so, table1.product = table2.id_product will work in this case


Make a query with LEFT JOIN and do 1 WHERE the column of the table on the left is null, then return only the requests that have no grid request:

FROM pedido p
LEFT JOIN pedido_grade pg
ON p.pedido = pg.n_pedido
WHERE pg.n_pedido IS NULL;

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