Problem with . find()


Viewed 47 times


I’m trying to find a li with a certain class (selected), however, I haven’t been able to find the id hers.

Here’s the code

var slide_act = $(".bull").find("selected").attr("id");

On the console appears undefined when I perform the function of click. Any explanation?

Additional Code

<ul class="bullets">
  <li class="bull selected" id="slide1"></li>
  <li class="bull" id="slide2"></li>
  <li class="bull" id="slide3"></li>
  • Post the html so we can help you

  • @Caiqueromero Sorry, edited.

  • 1

    because you don’t look right for the class selected thus : var slide_act = $(".selected").attr("id"); ?

  • @Viniciusshiguemori This results as a temporary response, but this class may be associated with other things, so I just wanted to select those that also had the class .bull

  • Also missing a point . in the find("selected")

1 answer


You can simply take the "id" attribute of the element that has both the "bull" class and the "Selected" class":

var slide_act = $(".bull.selected").attr("id");

Jquery class selector

See example working:

var slide_act = $(".bull.selected").attr("id");
<script src=""></script>

<ul class="bullets">
  <li class="bull selected" id="slide1"></li>
  <li class="bull" id="slide2"></li>
  <li class="bull" id="slide3"></li>

  • It worked! I tried with the space in the middle, so: $(".bull .selected") but did not give, could explain?

  • The correct syntax is without the space, I added the documentation in the reply.

  • Is that separate it tries to find the descendant of the class bull that has the class Selected would be for example : <ul class="bullets"><li class="bull" id="slide1"><ul class="selected" id="teste"></ul></li></ul>, already when it is together it looks for the elements that possess both classes

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