Document.referrer does not work properly


Viewed 246 times


I am using the "Document.referrer" statement to perform some actions on my website, but I have noticed that in some situations, Document.referrer is empty, even coming from an HTTP domain.


  1. In what situations could Document.referrer be coming to me empty? (except for references coming from HTTPS)

  2. How can I resolve this referrer issue without the need to send parameters in my querystring?

  3. What would be the best solution to get the referrer, since through my GA when accessing the referral site and click on the link that redirects to my site, the referral is correct(GA) but Document.referrer is empty?

From now on I thank you all!

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1 answer


In normal situations, the referrer only nay will be empty when the page is loaded from a link or requested from another page; or, under these conditions, the page is reloaded (reaload).

Documentation on referrer at this link.

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