The PHP Rating System


Viewed 144 times


Well I’m creating a simple rating system. What I intend is that every 2 ratings he add a Star, with a maximum of 5 stars.

How do I do that? I’ve been doing this but, no kidding..

$star = "<li><a href='#'><i class='fa fa-star' aria-hidden='true'></i></a></li>";
$max_stars = 5;
$total_stars = $product_review / $max_stars * 1;

 for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) {

  if($product_review >= $i) {

    if($total_stars) {

       echo $star; 


And so, I created this but... I’m 100% confused.. because it does just that, I add 1 star to every 1 review... Did I make the right code?

1 answer


add a field in DB to store the amount of votes, then at the time of receiving make a formatting (quantity / 2), if the quantity is = 5 blocks to not vote more, if not, creates the form, link, sla, to be able to vote and save in bd

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