According to the documentation on github a cardinality (Cardinality) defines how many characters represent the definition to be validated.
In your example, the character '*'
represents 1 character that will be validated with regex: [A-Za-záãâÁÂÃéêẽÈÊẼìîĩÌÎĨòôõÒÔÕùûũÚÛŨ ]
mask: "*{1,255}",
greedy: false,
definitions: {
'*': {
validator: "[A-Za-záãâÁÂÃéêẽÈÊẼìîĩÌÎĨòôõÒÔÕùûũÚÛŨ ]",
cardinality: 1
mask: "*{1,255}",
greedy: false,
definitions: {
'*': {
validator: "[A-Za-záãâÁÂÃéêẽÈÊẼìîĩÌÎĨòôõÒÔÕùûũÚÛŨ ]",
cardinality: 2
mask: "*{1,255}",
greedy: false,
definitions: {
'*': {
validator: "[A-Za-záãâÁÂÃéêẽÈÊẼìîĩÌÎĨòôõÒÔÕùûũÚÛŨ ]",
cardinality: 3
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="elemento1" />
<input type="text" id="elemento2" />
<input type="text" id="elemento3" />
As it is in the link: " Cardinality specifies how many characters are represented and validated for the definition"
– Don't Panic
@Everson this yes, but I don’t understand what that means exactly kk
– AnthraxisBR