I am trying to generate a thumbnail with ffmpeg-php, but no command of it works, always gives an error saying that the class was not found, example: Fatal error: Class 'ffmpeg_movie' not found.
Using the command if(!extension_loaded("ffmpeg")) exit("Extensão não carregada");
it always says that the extension was not loaded but wamp shows the extension when I go in PHP>PHP Extensions.
I don’t know if it could be a problem with the DLL, but I got it on this site: http://ukphpdeveloper.blogspot.com.br/2012/08/how-to-install-ffmpeg-in-xampp.html
and in the
?– Guilherme Nascimento
Nothing appears on the ffmpeg in the phpinfo().
– Toniotti
Then you must have installed but not enabled, in Wampserver menu see if you have the signal "check"
, if you are not clicking and then click "Restart" (in the same menu)– Guilherme Nascimento
It is already as the sign of "check".
– Toniotti
Toni now tries Restart, it might be some Wampserver bug
– Guilherme Nascimento
Like he already has since before I ask the question, I’ve even restarted the pc.
– Toniotti
Toni what folder is this DLL in? And what is the full name of the DLL?
– Guilherme Nascimento
C: wamp64 bin php php5.6.31 ext; the dll name is "php_ffmpeg.dll".
– Toniotti