How to place an image next to each other in a gallery?


Viewed 1,172 times


I am creating a gallery on my site using html and formatting in css, I put each image in a div and used the tag float so that in the gallery view one image would be next to the other. But this getting a "white" space. Below follows my css formatting:

.galeria-foto {
    background: #ffffff;
    padding: 10 auto;
  • 2

    That blank space is probably because of margin:25px;. You can join HTML to see the problem live?

  • The problem was in the external spacing. It has been solved, thank you.

1 answer


This is probably happening because of the external spacing between Ivs. Try changing the value of the margin and test attribute to see if the problem will be solved. Ex: margin:20px;

  • Thank you very much, that was the problem.

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