How to put a day, month and year placeholder in Mysql?


Viewed 87 times


I need to add a date column of the invoice, organized by month day and year (dd/mm/yy). How do I leave this preset time format in Mysql Workbench?

  • You want to leave the format dd/mm/aa instead of the default Mysql date type at the time of select?

  • That’s right, that’s right

1 answer


If you store your dates with datetime or date there is no way, has to treat in select. It’s quite simple:

SELECT data, DATE_FORMAT(data,'%d/%m/%Y') as data_formatada
FROM tabela

This script should select the date the way it is ( data), date in dd/mm/YYYY format (data_formatada) and orders from the oldest to the newest. To reverse the ordering, change ASC for DESC.

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