Could current Javascript engines optimize "tail" recursive calls?


Viewed 609 times


In functional programming, it is very common to use functions recursive. Certain languages, such as Scheme, do not even have control structures for loops, depending on recursion to iterate over lists.

Javascript has functional features, such as first-class functions, but has restrictions on the use of recursion. For example:

function fatorial(num) {
    if (num === 0) { 
        return 1; 
    return num * fatorial(num - 1);
fatorial(5);      // 120
fatorial(100000); // RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Please ignore the fact that fatorial(100000) is a number that Javascript is not even able to represent.

If the number of recursions exceeds a certain limit, the engine is not able to process the result by launching an error or locking the program. This is because the size of the call stack (which stores the execution context of each function invocation - which includes local variables and the reference to the "parent" scope of the function, basis of the mechanism of the closures) has a fixed size. And this limit exists to ensure that the call stack does not consume excess memory.

However, there is a technique to avoid this limitation, depending on how the function code is structured. If the recursive call is in position "tail", that is, it is the last instruction of the function, its execution context is dispensable, as it is guaranteed that the function will not need it anymore when recursive calls are popped. Thus, it is possible to clean or "recycle" the frame (frame) of the stack used by the execution context of the running function, and use it for the recursive call, so that a tail recursive function ends up using a single stack frame for the entire operation. This technique is known as tail call optimization (Tail call Optimization).


Although this technique is widely known, no Javascript engine seems to use it, either in the interpreter itself or as part of the operations performed by the JIT compilers that all modern Engines use. The question is, why? Is there any restriction in language that makes this optimization impossible? Or maybe it’s possible, but too costly?

The grammar of the next version of the language (Ecmascript 6, still in draft) includes checks for the tail position, predicting this type of optimization. However, I do not think that the lack of this in the current version would prevent the technique from being used today.

  • bfavaretto was also bitten by the literal translation mosquito :)

  • I almost created a "tail-recursion-optimization" tag, but it exceeds the maximum allowed 25 characters :)

  • 4

    Recursion in "syrup"... made me want to eat a dessert ;)

  • 4

    Wow, "tail recursion" is a commonly used term, not a literal translation. Even if it were "tail recursion"...

  • But also calculating 100000! is awesome. In no situation will you need it. To get an idea the result is 2.8242294079603478293421578024535517749492 10 456573.

  • 2

    @Gabrielsantos It was just an example! Note that I myself said, in fine print, that the result is not even representable as Number em js. The fact is that these stack overflow errors occur when using recursion intensively, which is common in functional programming.

  • 6 years later and to this day have not implemented this in Javascript. It seems that will stay in the role of Ecmascript forever... Unfortunate.

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2 answers


Firstly, I would like to highlight an important difference in terms:

  • Tail Call Optimization: When an implementation optimizes a tail call so that a new stack frame is not allocated and the Caller be used, creating a zero memory accrescimo. Note that this is an optimization, ie it is optional and should not be assumed to happen. It alters the behavior of the program by making it consume less memory and potentially creating endless loops.
  • "Proper Tail Call": A feature of language that guarantor that "optimization" will happen. In this case an implementation that consumes memory linearly or causes a RangeError is invalid. This requires language specification to define the exact format the function should be written to.

Recursive call optimization has always been possible, but has never been properly implemented by any known engine (except the Rhino, as utluiz mentioned). There is nothing in the language that prohibits this optimization. <function>.caller can be passed as if it were an argument to every call and <function>.arguments may be part of the stack. I am very impressed that no one supports this optimization, but there are no arguments against it. Maybe just the engineering effort involved that isn’t worth the small amount of uses. Or collecting the stack frame in case an Exception occurs.

"Proper Tail Call" is in plans for Ecmascript 6 and, if not removed by release (which is expected to occur later this year), should be supported by all major browsers and Engines by mid-2015.

The Continuum, an ES6 implementation written in ES3, already has support for this:

  <script src=""></script>
    var realm = continuum.createRealm();
    realm.evaluate("function fac(n, accum){return n > 0 ? fac(n - 1, n * accum) : accum;}");
    // pode demorar um pouco
    console.log("fac(100000) = " + realm.evaluate("fac(100000, 1)"));
    // mas eventualmente chegará na resposta: Infinity :)
  • 1

    Guess the answer’s simpler than I thought, then. They simply did not implement because they did not want to (since today they could implement as TCO itself). I have seen these arguments that <function>.caller and <function>.arguments would be deterrent, and it never convinced me - even if it were true, it would be possible to optimize code running in Strict mode.

  • I can’t see a single reason that makes the use of these functions prevent optimization. Still it would be possible to analyze and delete code that potentially uses it. As I said, I’m surprised it hasn’t already been done. Maybe it’s a little-used construction.


Well, I don’t really understand compilers or interpreters, so I’ll stick to the facts I found in the documentation and references.

In thesis, Javascript could have "tail" call optimization. In fact, there is a special implementation that already has this feature: Rhynowithcontinuations. This is a version of Rhyno, a Javascript implementation made 100% in Java.

Regarding the Ecmascript pattern, reading some details here and here, what I could understand was that Proper Tail calls, as they call Tail call Optimization, not just a mere optimization, but an important semantic aspect of language. So a pattern that imposes certain restrictions is necessary, because if each language implementation applied its own rules, codes that used this resource would not be portable.

In addition, as quoted in the penultimate link, there seems to be a difficulty with some language features, such as the ability to access the arguments (<function>.arguments), who called the function (<function>.caller) and others. In short, implementing optimization and tail recursion would affect the function call stack. This is one of the reasons for the most current documentation state that optimization will be applied only in Strict mode, because this way prohibits the use of these resources.

Finally, there is a very interesting discussion (here), article-based "Javascript (ES6) Has Tail Call Optimization", where the author states that the reason for not yet having this feature in the language is the same of several others: a matter of priorities.

  • I understand that this answer is superficial. However, I found the question very interesting and decided to search. Anyway, it is already favorite!

  • 1

    I did not know there was already an implementation with this, thanks for the link! As for Proper Tail calls, I am not sure that they will be implemented as originally proposed. At least that grammar of attributes (which I do not understand right) seems to be not being used. I hope someone can explain to me the reason in detail, this question has been in my head for months!

  • 2

    Great feature, but it’s good to mention that this link is a extension Rhino (plugin, alternative implementation, not quite understood) call "Cocoon". The Original rhino (developed by Mozilla) does not support this feature.

  • @mgibsonbr Right, I adjusted the answer to clarify this.

  • @bfavaretto I updated the answer with some more information I discovered. I just didn’t understand which "attribute grammar" you’re referring to.

  • I saw, I just read the discussion in Reddit, it’s worth it. The article I had read, but the discussion did not. Attribute grammar occupies half of the proposal of the Proper Tail call you linked (

  • @bfavaretto Ah yeah. It really seems that they abandoned the format of the initial proposal for grammar attributes by a sort of pseudo-code mixed with grammar that determines whether the excerpt meets the requirements of being a "tail" (items 14.6.1 and 14.6.2). Item 14.6.3 defines what will be done with the execution context.

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