Well, I have the following problem in Mysql: I created two tables a table of books and another table of authors. Well, I need to show the name of the book with their respective authors, but have some books that have more than 1 author or using the following SQL:
select l.titulo_livro, a.nome_autor, a.id_autor from tb_livros as l
join tb_autores as a
where l.id_livro = a.id_livro_escrito;
I get the following result:
Is there any way to ensure that the name of the book is not repeated and that the names of the authors of the same book are joined?
Our dear, thank you very much.
– Adri Silva
Pq needed to use MIN ?
– Adri Silva
I updated the response to comment on the use of
.– Anthony Accioly
If the answer has properly solved your problem please do not forget to accept it.
– Anthony Accioly
I think you forgot! rsrs
– Danillo Victtor